Many architectural trends have emerged during the past period dealing with the design of healthcare buildings and one of the most important of these trends was the design based on evidence-based design, which is initially based on research and studies dealing with a specific element that is tested and studied according to specific levels and knows its usefulness within the healthcare environment. As a result of this new trend, which deals with the built environment surrounding users within health care buildings and its greatest usefulness in improving the results and outputs of users of the care building, whether satisfactory, crew, family or workers, as will be shown through research,Because patient rooms are one of the most important elements within health care environments, many research has been directed to study the most important measures and treatments that help create and provide an upgraded treatment environment, which improves the patient’s health, reduces the duration of his stay and increases his general satisfaction with the services provided, by studying many of the determinants and elements that can be relied upon and monitored during study and research.