Undergraduate Admissions

Undergraduate Admissions

Jeddah International College offers a range of academic programs approved

by the Ministry of Education, and admission to them is carried out according to the specified regulations

  1. Complete the online application on the college website.
  2. Visiting the Admission and Registration Department at the JIC campus to submit the other admission application requirements.
  3. Paying a non-refundable admission application fee 1200 SAR along with the English Placement Tests fee 100 SAR (if applicable)
  4. Conducting the personal interview.
  5. Taking the required placement tests (if applicable).
  6. Receiving the admission result.
  7. Completing the course registration process.
  1. The student must have obtained at least 65% in the high school certificate or its equivalent (for the majors of Business, Design, and Law), and 80% in the high school certificate (science track) or its equivalent (for the majors of Engineering, Information Technology, and Computer Science).
  2. The Certificate Equivalency Letter from the Ministry of Education must be provided in case the student obtained a high school certificate from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  3. The student must not be registered in another university or college.
  4. The student must pass the English placement test and any other tests determined by the college as one of the admission requirements.
  5. The student must be medically fit.

Students who graduated from international schools, as well as students who obtained a score of 35 on the TOEFL test or a score of 5 on the IELTS test, are exempted from taking the English language placement test.

  1. The original high school certificate or its equivalent for verification
  2. Two recent personal photos (4×6 size)
  3. A valid national ID card for Saudis, or a valid Iqama for non-Saudis, for validation
  • The student must apply for readmission after four semesters past the deactivation semester without referring to the previous academic record.
  • The student must meet all the admission requirements announced at the requested semester, and the College Council has the right to make an exception.
  • Students who have received a disciplinary dismissal do not have the right to apply for readmission.
  • The student must have studied at a college or university recognised by the Ministry of Education.
  • The student must not have been dismissed from the previous college or university for disciplinary reasons.
  • The courses in which the student obtained a grade equivalent to 70% or above will be equalised to the equivalent courses offered at Jeddah International Private College.

Scholarships and Discounts *

Siblings discount
The college grants male and female students a sibling discount for non-beneficiaries of a scholarship or other discounts, as follows:
  • The main brother or sister not included in the “sibling” discount (can benefit from other scholarships/discounts).
  • The first brother/sister receives 10% (for non-beneficiaries of other scholarships/discounts).
  • The second brother/sister receives 15% (for non-beneficiaries of scholarships/discounts).
Awarding Outstanding High School Graduates
The college grants scholarships/discounts ranging from 5% to 50% to high-achieving male and female students from general high school graduates. These scholarships are limited in number and are offered to students who are not benefiting from any other scholarships or discounts.
  • A high school GPA of 100%: The scholarship/discount percentage is 50% for (4) scholarships annually
  • A high school GPA between 98% and 99.99%: The scholarship/discount percentage is 25% for (6) scholarships annually
  • A high school GPA between 95% and 97.99%: The scholarship/discount percentage is 15%
  • A high school GPA between 90% and 94.99%: The scholarship/discount is 10%
  • A high school GPA between 85% and 89.99%: The scholarship/discount is 5%
Awarding "Academic Excellence" for regular students in the college who excel academically
The college offers academic scholarships to its outstanding full-time students who are not benefiting from any other scholarships or discounts, based on their semester GPA, as follows
  • Semester GPA from 4.7  to 4.79:Scholarship/discount rate 15%
  • Semester GPA from 4.8 to 4.89:Scholarship/discount rate 20%
  • Semester GPA Higher than 4.9: Scholarship/discount rate 25%
Early Bird Registration Discount

The college offers a 25% discount on tuition fees for the Bachelor of Law program outside of working hours during the first semester.

Installment of tuition fees
  • Tuition fees are divided into four equal monthly installments, with each installment representing 25% of the total fees.
  • The first installment is paid upon registration.
  • Students are required to adhere to the payment schedule and follow the established policy.

At Jeddah International College (JIC), we offer you an array of undergraduate and graduate programs to choose from. Our dedicated faculty and staff provide encouragement guidance to enable you to make the right choices.